

顯示從 8月, 2023 起發佈的文章

60 个工具 让你1个人开等于10个人的内容创作的公司

  60 个工具 让你1个人开等于10个人的内容创作的公司 1. Ideas → ChatGPT → Perplexity → HuggingChat → Bing Chat → Claude 2. Website → 10Web → Framer → Durable → Dora → Unicorn Platform 3. Writing → Rytr → Jasper → Writesonic → Copymate → Longshot 4. Chatbot → Chatbase → SiteGPT → ChatSonic → CustomGPT → Chatsimple 5. Automation → Make → Zapier ​​ → Bardeen → Levity ​​ → Xembly 6. UI/UX → Uizard → Galileo AI → UiMagic → InstantAI → Photoshop 7. Image → Midjourney → Bing create → Stable Diffusion → Get IMG → Stock IMG 8. Video → HeyGen → InVideo → Fliki → Synthesia → Runway 9. Design → Flair AI → Booth AI → Canva → Autodraw → Clipdrop 10. Music → Boomy → Amper → Jukedeck → Melodrive → Brain FM 11. Marketing → AdCreative → Simplified → Pencil → AdCopy → Ai-Ads 12. Twitter → Typefully → TweetHunter → Tribescaler → Tweetlify → Postwise

8 个免费有用的工具

  8 个免费有用的工具 1. 免费网站构建器 - http:// Landingsite.ai 2. 免费网络爬虫 - http:// Hexomatic.com 3. 免费图像生成器 - http:// Stockimg.ai 4.免费PDF编辑工具- http:// ChatPDF.com 5.自由写作伙伴- http:// chatgptwriter.ai 6. 免费电子邮件撰写器 - http:// Superreply.co 7. 免费金融应用程序 - http:// Finalle.ai 8. 免费释义器 - http:// Finalle.ai

麻省理工学院提供的 5 门免费课程

  提高编程技能 1. 计算机科学 https:// edx.org/course/introdu ction-to-computer-science-and-programming-7 … 2. 数据科学 https:// edx.org/course/introdu ction-to-computational-thinking-and-data-4 … 3. 数据分析 https:// edx.org/course/statist ics-computation-and-applications … 4. 游戏设计 https:// edx.org/course/introdu ction-to-game-design … 5. 计算思维 edx.org Computational Thinking for Modeling and Simulation Develop the thought processes involved in formulating a problem so a computer can effectively carry out the solution.  In particular, this course emphasizes use of computers for modeling physical... 3 132